rand hill
senior designer, CheckOut.com march 1999 - present
Pull together the players from Disney Online, throw in Michael Ovitz, a huge budget and what do you get? The definitive entertainment destination on the web. I'm part of the team responsible for the look and feel of the site, and I oversee the pool of artists that creates our daily content. I am also responsible for our broadband initiatives, currently the Jumbotron (an area of Flash content created daily by Generator) which will grow to include streaming audio, video and interactive games in the Spring.
In December of 1999, I was called upon to focus on creating a separate store under the CheckOut brand, leveraging the recent merger with Wherehouse Music. And they said e-commerce was just a fad...
lead designer, idealab! - Consumers Network Division september 1998 - march 1999
Charged with creating category killer e-commerce sites, I oversaw each site from initial concept to final graphics. Because of Consumers' small team, I built the HTML templates and graphics, batch processed product artwork and configured files on the server. I worked closely with the CTO to develop a sophisticated publishing system that allowed our merchandisers to layout and modify intermediate and product pages without manually entering HTML.
Consumers' focus shifted in the winter of 1999 - the company's new mission became open-sourcing it's e-commerce engine, OpenSales. Pet.net, the original proof of concept site, was acquired by PetSmart.com, and Presents.com became a live demo for the software.
new media designer, Turkel Schwartz & Partners march 1995 - july 1998
I concepted, designed, built, programed and produced all of the agency's multimedia projects - web sites, CD-ROMs and interactive presentations. I used applications from Acrobat to Telnet and everything in between. Mac is my home, and I'm familiar with PCs and UNIX. I created an award-winning new media department rated among the top 5 in the nation by American Association of Advertising Agencies.
chief technologist, Turkel Schwartz & Partners march 1995 - july 1998
Managed everything related to technology in the agency - hardware, software, desktops, servers, networking - so began the AOL collection.
instructor, Miami Ad School september 1994 - july 1998
I created the 10-week curriculum for Director, Photoshop and Premiere. And hey, the kids should know all about HTML, too, right?
studio manager, Turkel Advertising august 1994 - march 1995
Managing, scheduling, teamwork - meeting the deadline. The studio was the place to dig in, work hard and make it happen.
associate art director, Turkel Advertising january 1994 - august 1994
Back to the basics - color correction, image editing, calibration, film output. And some design work here and there.
art director, Verge Magazine august 1993 - november 1993
Launched a weekly South Beach tabloid - designed the publication, supervised the printing, hung out with the drag queens
art director, Post Newspaper Group; Postmortem, Outpost, Sunpost
may 1992 - july 1992; january 1993 - july 1993
The ropes. Jumped in feet-first. I even learned how to use a stat camera. Can you say deadline tomorrow? Again? And again?
publisher, Axis Magazine august 1992 - december 1992
My baby. I humbly introduced the publishing craze to FSU. Making your own magazine sure beat going to class, especially when I figured out how to get credit for it!
Bachelor of Arts in English
Florida State University, december 1992; journalism minor, Florida A&M University
awards and publications
How Magazine Self-Promotion Competition, Interactive Design, TSP Web Site
The Creativity 27 Annual Award of Distinction, The Peabody Orlando CD-ROM
The Creativity 27 Annual Award of Distinction, FUSADES (Economic Development Office, Government of El Salvador) "Invest" CD-ROM
ADDY Gold 1999, Industry Self Promotion, Agency/Design Studio, TSP Website
ADDY Gold 1998, Industry Self Promotion, AdFed "AdVenture" Interactive Newsletter
ADDY Silver 1998, Computer Media, Disk-based presentation, TAM CD-ROM
ADDY Silver 1998, Sales Promotion AV/Interactive Presentation, TAM CD-ROM
ADDY Silver 1998, Computer Media, Disk-based presentation, FUSADES "Invest" CD-ROM
featured in:
Brain Darts - The Advertising Design of Turkel Schwartz & Partners by Bruce Turkel
Taking the Leap into New Media by Stephanie A. Redman