Dates: 6.19 6.20 6.26 6.27 6.28 6.29 6.30 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11
Sunday, July 5
Big drive from Tulsa, through Texas to Santa Fe, New Mexico. Things are just bigger out here. Can you say Super-Size It?

Lunch at Pop Hicks in Clinton, Oklahoma. Mighty fine chicken-fried steak you got there, Pop!

Pop's Ode to Route 66

Into Texas. From here on out things just get HUGE!

Big-ass cross in the middle of nowhere. Couldn't resist the dramatic backlighting.

Get that cross out of your head. Note the hay - the perfect mid-afternoon snack, and more nutritious than straws. Them cowboys are on to something...

There's money growing out of Christ's crown. Quick, call the tabloids!

Yee Haw, I'm in Texas!

Here cows, cows, cows. Jennifer is losing her touch.

Welcome to The Big Texan - and you thought things were big before!

Home of the 72oz steak. Eat the whole thing and it is free. Stomach pump not included. Where's Dimitri when you need him?

Jennifer picking up one of the locals.

Hey Kirk, we found your old digs.

Big Texas sky

Big Texas rain. Texas puts Florida to shame. And yes, we drove through it.

Big Texas rainbows